Thursday, April 29, 2010

Vitamins and Minerals

The Principal Vitamins
Symptoms of Deficiency
A (retinol)
From provitamin carotene found in yellow and green vegetables: preformed in liver, egg yolk, butter and milk
Rhodopsin deficiency, night blindness, retarded growth, skin disorders and increase in infection risk
B1 (thiamine)
Yeast, grains and milk
Beriberi-muscle weakness (including cardiac muscle) neuritis, and paralysis
B2 (riboflavin)
Green vegetables, liver, wheat germ, milk and eggs
Eye disorders and skin crackling, especially at corners of the mouth
B3 (niacin)
Fish, liver, red meat, yeast, grains, peas, beans, and nuts
Pellagra-diarrhea, dermatitis, and nervous system disorder
Pantothenic acid
Liver, yeast, green vegetables, grains and intestinal bacteria
Neuromuscular dysfunction and fatigue
Liver, yeast, eggs and intestinal bacteria
Mental and muscle dysfunction, fatigue and nausea
B6 (pyridoxine)
Fish, liver, yeast, tomatoes and intestinal bacteria
Dermatitis, retarded growth and nausea
Liver, green leafy vegetables, and intestinal bacteria
Macrocytic anemia (enlarged red blood cells) and spina bifida
B12 (cobalamins)
Liver, red meat, milk and eggs
Pernicious anemia and nervous system disorders
C (ascorbic acid)
Citrus fruit, tomatoes and green vegetables
Scurvy-defective bone formation and poor wound healing
D (cholecalciferol, ergosterol)
Fish liver oil, enriched milk and eggs; provitamin D converted by sunlight to cholecalciferol in the skin
Rickets-poorly developed, weak bones, osteomalacia; bone reabsorption
E (tocopherol, tocotrienols)
Wheat germ, cotton seed, palm and rice oils; grain, liver and lettuce
Hemolysis of red blood cells
K (phylloquino)
Alfalfa, liver, spinach, vegetable oils, cabbage and intestinal bacteria
Excessive bleeding due to retarded blood clotting

Important Minerals

Symptoms of Deficiency
Bone and teeth formation, blood clotting muscle activity and nerve function
Spontaneous action potential generation in neurons and tetany
Component of vitamin B12 ; red blood cell production
Hemoglobin and melanin production, electron-transport system
Anemia and loss of energy
Provides extra strength in teeth; prevents dental caries
No real pathology
Thyroid hormone production, maintenance of normal metabolic rate
Goiter and decrease in normal metabolism
Component of hemoglobin; ATP production in electron-transport system
Anemia, decreased oxygen transport, and energy loss 
Coenzyme constituent; bone formation; muscle and nerve function
Increase nervous system irritability, vasodilation, and arrhythmias
Bone and teeth formation; important in energy transfer (ATP); component of nuclei acids
Loss of energy and cellular function
Muscle and nerve function
Muscle weakness, abnormal electrocardiogram, and alkaline urine
Osmotic pressure regulation; nerve and muscle function
Nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, and dizziness
Component of several enzymes; carbon dioxide transport and metabolism; necessary from protein metabolism
Deficient carbon dioxide transport and deficient protein metabolism

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